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Store Policies

Privacy Policy & Notice

This is the privacy notice of Fickle Fanatics. In this document, “we”, “our” or “us” refer to Fickle Fanatics Virtual Trading Interfaces CC.

We are company number CK2007/184464/23 registered in South Africa.

This is a statement to tell you our policy about all information that we record about you. It covers both information that could identify you and information that could not.

We are extremely concerned to protect your privacy and confidentiality. We understand that all users of our website are quite rightly concerned to know that their data will not be used for any purpose unintended by them, and will not accidentally fall into the hands of a third party. Our policy is both specific and strict. It complies with the South African law. If you think our policy falls short of your expectations or that we are failing to abide by our policy, do please tell us.

We regret that if there are one or more points below with which you are not happy, your only recourse is to leave our website immediately.

Except as set out below, we do not share, or sell, or disclose to a third party, any personally identifiable information collected at this website.

Here is a list of the information we collect from you, either through our website or because you give it to us in some other way, and why it is necessary to collect it:

1.Business and personal information

We may collect, use, store and transfer different types of business or personal information about you. This includes basic identification and contact information, such as your name and contact details and also includes all information given to us in the course of your business and ours, such as information you give us in your capacity as our client.

We undertake to preserve the confidentiality of the information and of the terms of our relationship. It is not used for any other purpose. We expect you to reciprocate this policy.

This information is used:

  1. to provide you with the services which you request;

  2. for verifying your identity for security purposes;

  3. for marketing our services and products;

  4. information which does not identify any individual may be used in a general way by us or third parties, to provide class information, for example relating to demographics or usage of a particular page or service.

We keep information, which forms part of our business record for a minimum of seven years. That is because we may need it in some way to support a claim or defence in court. That is also the period within which our tax collecting authorities may demand to know it.

2.Market place information

When we obtain information from you specifically to enable you to buy a service offered on our website by some other person, we assume that in giving us your information, you are also giving us permission to pass it to the relevant person.

3.Your domain name and e-mail address

This information is recognised by our servers and the pages that you visit are recorded. We shall not under any circumstances, divulge your e-mail address to any person who is not an employee or contractor of ours and who does not need to know, either generally or specifically. This information is used:

  1. to correspond with you or deal with you as you expect;

  2. in a collective way not referable to any particular individual, for the purpose of quality control and improvement of our website;

  3. to send you news about the services to which you have signed up;

  4. to tell you about other of our services or services of sister websites.

4.Information you post on our website

Information you send to us by posting to a forum or blog or in your advertisement, is stored on our servers. We do not specifically use that information except to allow it to be read, but you will see in our terms and conditions that we reserve a right to use it in any way we decide.

5.Website usage information

We may use software embedded in our website (such as JavaScript) to collect information about pages you view and how you have reached them, what you do when you visit a page, the length of time you remain on the page, and how we perform in providing content to you.

6.Financial information relating to your credit cards

This information is never taken by us either through our website or otherwise. At the point of payment, you are transferred to a secure page on the website of a reputable payment service provider. That page may be dressed in our “livery”, but it is not controlled by us. Our staff and contractors never have access to it.

7.Financial information relating to your credit cards

We may keep your financial information to provide you with a better shopping experience next time you visit us and to prevent fraud.

We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates to verify our identity to your browser, and to encrypt any data you give us when you buy, including financial information such as credit or debit card numbers. Our SSL certificate encryption level is 128-bit/256-bit. Whenever we ask for financial information, you can check that SSL is being used by looking for a closed padlock symbol or other trust mark in your browser URL bar or toolbar.

8.Credit reference

To assist in combating fraud, we share information with credit reference agencies, so far as it relates to clients or customers who instruct their credit card issuer to cancel payment to us without having first provided an acceptable reason to us and given us the opportunity to refund their money.

9.Third party advertising

Third parties may advertise on our website. In doing so, those parties, their agents or other companies working for them may use technology that automatically collects your IP address when they send an advertisement that appears on our website to your browser. They may also use other technology such as cookies or JavaScript to personalise the content of, and to measure the performance of their adverts. We do not have control over these technologies or the data that these parties obtain. Accordingly, this privacy notice does not cover the information practices of these third parties.

10.Third party content

Our website is a publishing medium in that anyone may register and then publish information about himself or some other person. We do not moderate or control what is posted. If you complain about any of the content on our website, we shall investigate your complaint. If we feel, it may be justified, we shall remove it while we investigate. Free speech is a fundamental right, so we have to make a judgment as to whose right will be obstructed: yours, or that of the person who posted the content which offends you. If we think, your complaint is vexatious or without any basis, we shall not correspond with you about it.

11.Information we obtain from third parties

Although we do not disclose your personal information to any third party (except as set out in this notice), we do receive data which is indirectly made up from your personal information, from software services such as Google Analytics and others. No such information is identifiable to you.

12.Content you provide to us with a view to be used by third party

If you provide information to us with a view to it being read, copied, downloaded or used by other people, we accept no responsibility for what that third party may do with it. It is up to you to satisfy yourself about the privacy level of every person who might see your information. If it is available to the World, you have no control whatever as to how it is used.


Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer's hard drive through your web browser when you visit any website. They are widely used to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the website.

Like all other users of cookies, we may request the return of information from your computer when your browser requests a web page from our server. Cookies enable our web server to identify you to us, and to track your actions and the pages you visit while you use our website. The cookies we use may last for a single visit to our website (they are deleted from your computer when you close your browser), or may remain on your computer until you delete them or until a defined period of time has passed.

Although your browser software enables you to disable cookies, we recommend that you allow the use of cookies in order to take advantage of the features of our website that rely on their use. If you prevent their use, you will not be able to use all the functionality of our website. Here are the ways we use cookies:

  1. to record whether you have accepted the use of cookies on our website. This is solely to comply with the law. If you have chosen not to accept cookies, we will not use cookies for your visit, but unfortunately, our website will not work well for you.

  2. to allow essential parts of our website to operate for you.

  3. to operate our content management system.

  4. to operate the online notification form - the form that you use to contact us for any reason. This cookie is set on your arrival at our website and deleted when you close your browser.

  5. to enhance security on our contact form. It is set for use only through the contact form. This cookie is deleted when you close your browser.

  6. to collect information about how visitors use our website. We use the information to improve your experience of our website and enable us to increase sales. This cookie collects information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the website, where visitors have come to the website from, and the pages they visited.

  7. to record that a user has viewed a webcast. It collects information in an anonymous form. This cookie expires when you close your browser.

  8. to record your activity during a web cast. An example is as to whether you have asked a question or provided an opinion by ticking a box. This information is retained so that we can serve your information to you when you return to the website. This cookie will record an anonymous ID for each user, but it will not use the information for any other purpose. This cookie will last for three months, when it will delete automatically.

  9. to store your personal information so that you do not have to provide it afresh when you visit the website next time. This cookie will last for 90 days.

  10. to enable you to watch videos we have placed on YouTube. YouTube will not store personally identifiable cookie information when you use YouTube’s privacy-enhanced mode.

14.Calling our help line

When you call our help line, we collect Calling Line Identification (CLI) information. We use this information to help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our help line.

15.Sending a message to our support system

When you send a message, we collect the data you have given to us in that message in order to obtain confirmation that you are entitled to receive the information and to provide to you the information you need. We record your request and our reply in order to increase the efficiency of our business / organisation. We do not keep any personally identifiable information associated with your message, such as your name or email address.


When we receive a complaint, we record all the information you have given to us. We use that information to resolve your complaint. If your complaint reasonably requires us to contact some other person, we may decide to give to that other person some of the information contained in your complaint. We do this as infrequently as possible, but it is a matter for our sole discretion as to whether we do give information, and, if we do, what that information is.

We may also compile statistics showing information obtained from this source to assess the level of service we provide, but not in a way that could identify you or any other person.

17.Job application and employment

If you send us information in connection with a job application, we may keep it for up to three years in case we decide to contact you at a later date.

If we employ you, we collect information about you and your work from time to time throughout the period of your employment. This information will be used only for purposes directly relevant to your employment. After your employment has ended, we will keep your file for seven years before destroying or deleting it.


We may use re-marketing from time to time. This involves Google or some other supplier placing a tag or marker on your website in order to be able to serve to you an advert for our products / services when you visit some other website.

19.Affiliate information

This is information given to us by you in your capacity as an affiliate of us or a customer or client of ours. Such information is retained for business use only. We undertake to preserve the confidentiality of the information and of the terms of our relationship. It is not used for any other purpose. We expect any affiliate to agree to reciprocate this policy. As an exception to this, we have the right to disclose your first name and URL of your affiliate connection to other affiliates and to any other person or organisation, on and off website. The reason is solely to enable us to mention winners and others whose performance as an affiliate is in some way outstanding.

20.Use of website by children

We do not market to children, nor do we sell products or services for purchase by children. We do sell products and services for end use by children, but for purchase by adults. If you are under 18, you may use our website only with consent from a parent or guardian.

21.Disclosure to Government and their agencies

We are subject to the law like everyone else. We may be required to give information to legal authorities if they so request or if they have the proper authorisation such as a search warrant or court order.

22.Compliance with the law

This privacy policy has been compiled so as to comply with the law of every jurisdiction in which we aim to do business. If you think it fails to satisfy the law of your country, we should like to hear from you, but ultimately it is your choice as to whether you wish to use our website.

23.Review or update personally identifiable information

At any time you may review or update the personally identifiable information that we hold about you, by contacting us at the address below. To better safeguard your information, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections to your information.

24.Removal of your information

If you wish us to remove personally identifiable information from our website, you may contact us at To better safeguard your information, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections to your information.

25.Data may be processed outside South Africa

Our websites are hosted in South Africa. We also use outsourced services in countries outside South Africa from time to time in other aspects of our business. Accordingly data obtained within South Africa may be “processed” outside South Africa and data obtained in any other country may be processed within or outside that country.

If you have any question regarding the privacy policy, please contact us through the contact page.


Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions are the contract between you and Fickle Fanatics (“us”, “we”, etc). By visiting or using Our Website, you agree to be bound by them.

I / We are Fickle Fanatics Virtual Trading Interfaces CC, a company registered in South Africa, number CK2007/184464/23.

You are: Anyone who uses Our Website.

Please read this agreement carefully and save it. If you do not agree with it, you should quit Our Website.

The terms and conditions:


In this agreement:


means any person or business contracted by us to carry Goods from us to you.


means any content in any form published on Our Website by us or any third party with our consent.


means any of the goods we offer for sale on Our Website, or, if the context requires, goods we sell to you.

“Our Website”

means any website of ours, and includes all web pages controlled by us.


means display, exhibit, publish, distribute, transmit and/or disclose information, Content and/or other material on to Our Website, and the phrases "Posted" and "Posting" shall be interpreted accordingly.


In this agreement unless the context otherwise requires:

  1. a reference to a person is a reference to one or more individuals, whether or not formally in partnership, or to a corporation, government body, or other association or organisation.

  2. these terms and conditions apply to all supplies of Goods by us to any customer. They prevail over any terms proposed by you.

  3. any agreement by any party not to do or omit to do something includes an obligation not to allow some other person to do or omit to do that same thing.

  4. except where stated otherwise, any obligation of any person arising from this agreement may be performed by any other person.

  5. in this agreement references to a party include references to a person to whom those rights and obligations are transferred or pass as a result of a merger, division, reconstruction or other re-organisation involving that party.

  6. the headings to the paragraphs and schedules (if any) to this agreement do not affect the interpretation.

  7. a reference to an act or regulation includes new law of substantially the same intent as that act or regulation.

  8. in any indemnity, a reference to costs or expenses shall be construed as including the estimated cost of management time of the indemnified party, such cost calculated R560.00 per hour.

  9. these terms and conditions apply in any event to you as a buyer or prospective buyer of our Goods and so far as the context allows, to you as a visitor to Our Website.

  10. this agreement is made only in the English language. If there is any conflict in meaning between the English language version of this agreement and any version or translation of this agreement in any other language, the English language version shall prevail.

3.Our contract with you

  1. This agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all previous agreements and understandings between the parties.

  2. Each party acknowledges that, in entering into this agreement, he does not rely on any representation, warranty, information or document or other term not forming part of this agreement.

  3. If you use Our Website in any way and make an order on behalf of another person you warrant that you have full authority to do so and you accept personal responsibility for every act or omission by you.

  4. Because we rely on our suppliers, we do not guarantee that Goods advertised on Our Website are available. We may change these terms from time to time. The terms that apply to you are those posted here on Our Website on the day you order Goods.

  5. The price of Goods may be changed by us at any time. We will never change a price so as to affect the price charged to you at the time when you buy those Goods.

  6. If in future, you buy Goods from us under any arrangement which does not involve your payment via Our Website; these terms still apply so far as they can be applied.

  7. We do not sell the Goods in all countries. We may refuse to deliver the Goods if you live in a country we do not serve.

4.Acceptance of your order

  1. Your order is an offer to buy from us. Nothing that we do or say will amount to any acceptance of that offer until we actually dispatch the Goods to you.


  1. Your order is an offer to buy from us. We shall accept your order by e-mail confirmation. That is when our contract is made. Our message will also confirm details of your purchase and tell you when we shall despatch your order.

  2. If we do not have all of the Goods you order in stock, we will offer you alternatives. If this happens you may:

    1. accept the alternatives we offer;

    2. cancel all or part of your order.

5.Price and payment

  1. The price payable for the Goods that you order is clearly set out on Our Website.

  2. It is possible that the price may have increased from that posted on Our Website. If that happens, we will not despatch the Goods until you have confirmed that you wish to buy at the new price.

  3. Prices include value added tax (“VAT”).

  4. If the item you order is available in parts, you must pay us the full price of your order before we will send any part of it.

  5. Bank charges by the receiving bank on payments to us will be borne by us. All other charges relating to payment in a currency other than Rand  will be borne by you.

  6. Any information given by us in relation to exchange rates are approximate only and may vary from time to time.

  7. If, by mistake, we have under-priced Goods, we will not be liable to supply that those Goods to you at the stated price, provided that we notify you before we dispatch it to you.

  8. The price of the Goods does not include the delivery charge which will be charged at the rates applicable at the date you place your order and which will be displayed on a page of Our Website before we ask you to pay.

  9. If we owe you money (for this or any other reason), we will credit your credit or debit card as soon as reasonably practicable but in any event no later than 15 days from the date when we accept that repayment is due.

6.Security of your credit card

We take care to make Our Website safe for you to use.

  1. Card payments are not processed through pages controlled by us. We use one or more online payment service providers who will encrypt your card or bank account details in a secure environment.

  2. If you have asked us to remember your credit card details in readiness for your next purchase or subscription, we will securely store your payment details on our systems. These details will be fully encrypted and only used to process your automatic monthly payments or other transactions which you have initiated.

7.If you buy as a Consumer

This paragraph applies if and only if, you are a consumer as defined in the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 2002.

As required by the law, details of our after-sales service and guarantees, if any, are given in Our Website terms and conditions or in catalogues.

You may cancel your order at any time before the expiry of 7 days from the date you receive the Goods, not including the day you received it.

The option to cancel your order is not available:

if you purchase sealed Goods which relate to health or hygiene, and they become unsealed after delivery, or cannot be re-sold for some other reason;

sealed audio or sealed video recordings or sealed computer software, if these become unsealed after delivery;

if the Goods become mixed inseparably (according to their nature) with other items after delivery.

You are responsible for the cost of returning the Goods. We have no obligation to refund to you, your cost of re-packing and returning the Goods.

If the Goods you return, show any sign of damage or loss due to your checking then we shall be entitled to deduct the cost from your refund money.

In the event of cancellation of an order by you in compliance with these terms, we will refund any money due to you within 30 days.

To assist us in identifying your Goods on receipt by us, we ask you to provide telephone number for a return reference to be placed below our address / returns label.

This paragraph does not affect your rights in the event that the Goods are faulty.

8.Delivery and pick up

Goods are delivered within 30 days from the day you place an order to purchase the Goods.

  1. Deliveries will be made by the Carrier to the address stipulated in your order. You must ensure that someone is present to accept the delivery.

  2. If we are not able to deliver your Goods within 30 days of the date of your order, we shall notify you by e-mail to arrange another date for delivery.

  3. We may deliver the Goods in instalments if they are not all available at the same time for delivery.

  4. All Goods must be signed for on delivery by an adult aged 18 years or over. If no one of that age is at the address when the delivery is attempted the Goods may be retained by the driver. When your Goods arrive, it is important that you check immediately the condition and quantity. If your Goods have been damaged in transit, you must refuse the delivery and immediately contact us so that we may dispatch a replacement quickly and minimise your inconvenience.

  5. Signing "Unchecked", "Not Checked" or similar is not acceptable.

  6. If we agree with you to deliver on a particular day or at a particular time, we will do our best to comply. But no time given is to be treated as contractual. So we are not liable to you for any expense or inconvenience you incur on account of delayed delivery or non-delivery.

  7. Some Goods will be delivered direct from the manufacturer who will contact you to arrange delivery. When delivery of the Goods has been arranged directly with the manufacturer, you will be subject to the manufacturer's delivery policy.

  8. Some Goods are so large and heavy that delivery times may be slightly longer. In this case, approximate delivery dates will be given when you place your order.

  9. Time for delivery specified on the order, if any, is an estimate only and time shall not be of the essence.

9.Foreign taxes and duties

  1. If you are not in South Africa, we have no knowledge of, and no responsibility for, the laws in your country.

  2. You are responsible for purchasing Goods which you are lawfully able to import and for the payment of import duties and taxes of any kind levied in your country.

10.Liability for subsequent defects

  1. We will repair or replace Goods which fail to comply with the provisions of the the Consumer Protection Act 2008 or which show a defect. If you claim that the item is defective, the following conditions apply:

    1. the defect must be reported to us within four weeks of becoming apparent;

    2. the defect results only from faulty design or manufacture;

    3. you have returned the defective Goods or parts to us if we have so requested.

  2. If we agree that we are liable, we will refund the cost of return carriage and will repair or replace the Goods free of charge.

  3. If we repair or replace the Goods, you have no additional claim against us either under this agreement or by statute or common law, in respect of the defect.

11.Goods returned

These provisions apply if you return any Goods to us for any reason :

  1. Goods should be returned:

    1. with both Goods and all packaging in their original condition;

    2. securely wrapped;

    3. including our delivery slip;

  2. The procedure for return of Goods is set out on Our Website. If you do not follow this procedure, we may be unable to identify you as the sender of the Goods.

  3. In returning faulty Goods please enclose with it a note clearly stating the fault and when it arises or arose.

  4. If we agree that the Goods are faulty, we will:

    1. refund the cost of return carriage;

    2. repair or replace the Goods as we choose.


The law differs from one country to another. This paragraph applies so far as the applicable law allows.

All implied conditions, warranties and terms are excluded from this agreement. If in any jurisdiction an implied condition, warrant or term cannot be excluded, then this sub paragraph shall be deemed to be reduced in effect, only to the extent necessary to release that specific condition, warranty or term.

We make no representation or warranty for:

the quality of the Goods;

any implied warranty or condition as to merchantability or fitness of the Goods for a particular purpose;

the correspondence of the Goods with any description;

the adequacy or appropriateness of the Goods for your purpose.

We claim no expert knowledge in any subject. We disclaim any obligation or liability to you arising directly or indirectly from information you take from Our Website.

We shall not be liable to you for any loss or expense arising out of or in connection with your use of Our Website, which is indirect or consequential loss, or economic loss or other loss of turnover, profits, business or goodwill. This applies whether in an action of contract, negligence or otherwise, even if such loss was reasonably foreseeable or we knew you might incur it.

We make no representation or warranty and accept no responsibility in law for:

accuracy of any Content or the impression or effect it gives;

delivery of Content, material or any message;

privacy of any transmission;

any act or omission of any person or the identity of any person who introduces himself to you through Our Website;

any aspect or characteristic of any goods or services advertised on Our Website;

Our Website includes Content Posted by third parties. We are not responsible for any such Content. If you come across any Content which offends you, please contact us via the “Contact us” page on Our Website.

We will do all we can to maintain access to Our Website, but it may be necessary for us to suspend all or part of our service for repairs, maintenance or other good reasons. We may do so without telling you first.

Our total liability under this agreement, however it arises, shall not exceed the sum of R5,000. This applies whether your case is based on contract, or any other basis in law.

This paragraph (and any other paragraph which excludes or restricts our liability or provides an indemnity to us) applies to our directors, officers, employees, subcontractors, agents and affiliated companies, as well as to us.

If you become aware of any breach of any term of this agreement by any person, please tell us by email and registered letter. We welcome your input but do not guarantee to agree with your judgement.

Nothing in this agreement excludes liability for a party's fraud.

13.Your account with us

  1. You agree that you have provided, and will continue to provide accurate, up to date, and complete information about yourself. We need this information to provide you with the Goods.

  2. If you use Our Website, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for preventing any unauthorised person from using your account.

  3. You agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password. You should tell us immediately if you believe some person has accessed your account without your authority and also log in to your account and change your password.

14.Restrictions on what you may Post to Our Website

You agree that you will not use or allow anyone else to use Our Website to Post Content which is or may:

  1. be malicious or defamatory;

  2. consist in commercial audio, video or music files;

  3. be illegal, obscene, offensive, threatening or violent;

  4. be sexually explicit or pornographic;

  5. be likely to deceive any person or be used to impersonate any person, or to misrepresent your identity, age or affiliation with any person;

  6. give the impression that it emanates from us or that you are connected with us or that we have endorsed you or your business;

  7. solicit passwords or personal information from anyone;

  8. be used to sell any goods or services or for any other commercial use;

  9. include anything other than words (i.e. you will not include any symbols or photographs) except for a photograph of yourself in your profile in such place as we designate;

  10. link to any of the material specified above, in this paragraph.

  11. send age-inappropriate communications or Content to anyone under the age of 18.

15.Your Posting: restricted content

In connection with the restrictions set out below, we may refuse or edit or remove a Posting which does not comply with these terms.

In addition to the restrictions set out above, a Posting must not contain:

  1. hyperlinks, other than those specifically authorised by us;

  2. keywords or words repeated, which are irrelevant to the Content Posted.

  3. the name, logo or trademark of any organisation other than yours.

  4. inaccurate, false, or misleading information.

16.How we handle your Content

  1. Our privacy policy is strong and precise. It complies fully with current law.

  2. If you Post Content to any public area of Our Website it becomes available in the public domain. We have no control who sees it or what anyone does with it.

  3. Even if access to your text is behind a user registration it remains effectively in the public domain because someone has only to register and log in, to access it. You should therefore avoid Posting unnecessary confidential information.

  4. We need the freedom to be able to publicise our Services and your own use of them. You therefore now irrevocably grant us the right and licence to edit, copy, publish, distribute, translate and otherwise use any Content that you place on Our Website, in public domains and in any medium. You represent and warrant that you are authorised to grant all such rights.

  5. We will use that licence only for commercial purposes of the business of Our Website and will stop using it after a commercially reasonable period of time.

You agree to waive of your right to claim authorship and your right to object to any distortion, mutilation or other modification of your work as provided in the Copyright Act 1978.

  1. You now irrevocably authorise us to publish feedback, comments and ratings about your activity through Our Website, even though it may be defamatory or critical.

  2. Posting content of any sort does not change your ownership of the copyright in it. We have no claim over it and we will not protect your rights for you.

  3. You understand that you are personally responsible for your breach of someone else’s intellectual property rights, defamation, or any law, which may occur as a result of any Content having been Posted by you.

  4. You accept all risk and responsibility for determining whether any Content is in the public domain and not confidential.

  5. Please notify us of any security breach or unauthorised use of your account.

  6. We do not solicit ideas or text for improvement of our Service, but if you do send to us material of any sort, you are deemed to have granted us a licence to use.

17.Removal of offensive Content

  1. For the avoidance of doubt, this paragraph is addressed to any person who comes on Our Website for any purpose.

  2. We are under no obligation to monitor or record the activity of any customer for any purpose, nor do we assume any responsibility to monitor or police Internet-related activities. However, we may do so without notice to you and without giving you a reason.

  3. If you are offended by any Content, the following procedure applies:

    1. Your claim or complaint must be submitted to us in the form available on Our Website, or contain the same information as that requested in our form. It must be sent to us by post or email.

    2. we shall remove the offending Content as soon as we are reasonably able;

    3. after we receive notice of a claim or complaint, we shall investigate so far as we alone decide;

  4. We may re-instate the Content about which you have complained or not.

  5. In respect of any complaint made by you or any person on your behalf, whether using our form of complaint or not, you now irrevocably grant to us a licence to publish the complaint and all ensuing correspondence and communication, without limit.

  6. You now agree that if any complaint is made by you frivolously or vexatiously you will repay us the cost of our investigation including legal fees, if any.

18.Security of Our Website

If you violate Our Website we shall take legal action against you.

You now agree that you will not, and will not allow any other person to:

  1. modify, copy, or cause damage or unintended effect to any portion of Our Website, or any software used within it.

  2. link to Our Website in any way that would cause the appearance or presentation of Our Website to be different from what would be seen by a user who accessed Our Website by typing the URL into a standard browser;

  3. download any part of Our Website, without our express written consent;

  4. collect or use any product listings, descriptions, or prices;

  5. collect or use any information obtained from or about Our Website or the Content except as intended by this agreement;

  6. aggregate, copy or duplicate in any manner any of the Content or information available from Our Website, other than as permitted by this agreement or as is reasonably necessary for your use of Our Website;

  7. share with a third party any login credentials to Our Website.

  8. Despite the above terms, we now grant a licence to you to:

    1. create a hyperlink to Our Website for the purpose of promoting an interest common to both of us. You can do this without specific permission. This licence is conditional upon your not portraying us or any product or service in a false, misleading, derogatory, or otherwise offensive manner. You may not use any logo or other proprietary graphic or trademark of ours as part of the link without our express written consent.

    2. you may copy the text of any page for your personal use in connection with the purpose of Our Website.


You agree to indemnify us against all costs, claims and expense arising directly or indirectly from:

your failure to comply with the law of any country;

your breach of this agreement;

any act, neglect or default by any agent, employee, licensee or customer of yours;

a contractual claim arising from your use of the Goods;

a breach of the intellectual property rights of any person.

20.Intellectual Property

  1. We will defend the intellectual property rights in connection with our Goods and Our Website, including copyright in the Content whether provided by us or by any other content provider (including copyright in: text, graphics, logos, icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, data, and software).

  2. Except as set out below, you may not copy, modify, publish, transmit, transfer or sell, reproduce, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, display, or in any way exploit any of the Content, in whole or in part.

  3. You may not use our name or logos or trademarks or any other Content on any website of yours or that of any other person.

  4. Subject to the other terms of this agreement, you may download or copy Content only for your own personal use, provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained in it. You may not store electronically any significant portion of any Content.

21.Miscellaneous matters

  1. When we communicate with you we do so by email. You agree that email communications are contractually binding in the same way as properly signed and dated paper sent by post.

  2. Where we provide goods or services without specific charge to you, then it (or they) is deemed to be provided free of charge, and not to be associated with any other Goods for which a charge is made. Accordingly, there is neither contractual nor other obligation upon us in respect of those goods or that service.

  3. If any term or provision of this agreement is at any time held by any jurisdiction to be void, invalid or unenforceable, then it shall be treated as changed or reduced, only to the extent minimally necessary to bring it within the laws of that jurisdiction and to prevent it from being void and it shall be binding in that changed or reduced form. Subject to that, each provision shall be interpreted as severable and shall not in any way affect any other of these terms.

  4. The rights and obligations of the parties set out in this agreement shall pass to any permitted successor in title.

  5. No failure or delay by any party to exercise any right, power or remedy will operate as a waiver of it nor indicate any intention to reduce that or any other right in the future.

  6. Any communication to be served on either party by the other shall be delivered by hand or sent by fastmail service or recorded delivery.

It shall be deemed to have been delivered:

if delivered by hand: on the day of delivery;

if sent by post to the correct address: within 72 hours of posting;


  1. In the event of a dispute between the parties to this agreement, then they undertake to attempt to settle the dispute by engaging in good faith with the other in a process of mediation before commencing arbitration or litigation.

  2. So far as the law permits, and unless otherwise stated, this agreement does not give any right to any third party.

  3. Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performance of this agreement which is caused by circumstances beyond his reasonable control, including any labour dispute between a party and its employees.

  4. In the event of any conflict between any term of this agreement and the provisions of the memorandum of incorporation of a limited company or any comparable document intended to regulate any other corporate or collective body, then the terms of this agreement shall prevail.

The validity, construction and performance of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of South Africa and you agree that any dispute arising from it shall be litigated only in that country.

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